The story of Chilly Dogs® began in 1999 when Julie Kelly of Ottawa, Canada was unable to find a dog coat that fit either of her two dogs, a Weimaraner and a Galgo. Julie decided to make her own. This began her journey in designing the Perfect Fitting Dog Coat. Soon, Chilly Dogs® was founded and grew from Julie's home to a warehouse and commercial sewing facility.
Chilly Dogs® remains an independent business making Canadian-made dog coats in over 30 sizes to fit all varieties of dog breeds. Keeping dogs warm in a perfect fitting dog coat has always been our goal.
Today, Chilly Dogs® is still proud to keep dogs warm in over 15 countries. From the bitter cold open plains to the wet and windy cities to hot sunny days by the water, Chilly Dogs® has a coat for every temperature and climate. Let us fit your dog in a Chilly Dogs® coat and you’ll know why our customers trust us year after year to protect their companion in a coat with quality to last.
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